It was in February 2021 when Carte Blanche interviewed self-declared wealthy retirement village and development mongers, Piet and Willem Steyn, who personally sit on the Trusts of the 12 retirement villages in the Belvedere Group…
The excuse at the time for not honouring their contractual obligations of re-paying the resale-capital of the units to the residents´ estates, hinged on the Covid lockdowns.
Three years on almost to the day, and the Belvedere Group – now renamed to RetireWell SA – was again featured on Carte Blanche… Sadly, the news is even more bleak and worrying for home owners in these developments.
Even more families or heirs – now 34 to be exact – have lodged formal complaints due to not being paid the Life Rights values they´re owed…
Many of these families have had to resort to legal battles, with little success due to well-versed stalling tactics on the Steyn brothers´ parts, which is thought to form part of a sinister strategy to stretch beyond the three years within which they can be legally challenged.
It´s hardly a surprise they refused the interview with Carte Blanche this time, claiming they´ve already explained themselves previously… All this while they continue to default on payments and dismiss court orders, with seemingly no real consequences for their actions.
And sadly, sales and business continues as usual at RetireWell SA, as new owners continue to invest their hard-earned life savings in these questionable 12 retirement villagers: Amorosa, Bushy Park, Green Park, Harveston, Jakaranda, Jubilado, Protea, Regent Park, Sterlig, The Olive, Victoria Park, and Wilgeheuwel.
To watch this latest Carte Blanche feature, click on the image below.