Fairmed Frail Care Centre is located in Durbanville close to all necessary, amenities, you can expect a safe and comfortable atmosphere for your loved one’s needs with a cosy TV Room/communal area that is homely for all our residents. Fairmed Frail Care Centre is purposely built for our residence’s unique frail care needs. All our residence has free access to our community areas which our compassionate caregivers that can assist your loved which ever need possible because we are devoted to delivering only the best care for residents.
If your loved one is suffering from mild memory loss, or dementia, We strive to provide a warm and caring environment for all our residents, as well as support services needed such as physiotherapy visits, daily activities with the residences, arts and crafts with Penny crafts, the residence do their exercises twice a week as well as social interaction with each other in the communal area.
We are dedicated to ensuring that your loved ones receive the best possible care in a safe and secure setting which included
24-hour nursing care/dementia service in a neighborly, friendly, and steady setting. Fairmed Frail Care Centre aims to create a home away from home environment to accommodate all residences needs as possible.
You are more than welcome to visit your loved ones for family meals and free tea visits inspired by human connection and community life. Senior living is meant to be enjoyed to the full. Under the careful watch of highly trained, Professional Nurses, Caregivers and Services team, residents are encouraged to live an active, social and adventurous lifestyle.
- SUPPORTED CARE for elderly people who may be wheelchair bound and minimally cognitively impaired.
- EXTENDED CARE by managing the nutrition, medication and general healthcare and mental well-being of the residents in need of very detailed care.
Book an appointment today at Fairmed Care Centre Frail Care Durbanville to discover how your loved one’s specific needs will be met.
Old Age Homes
Offering Day Care Offering Short Term / Holiday Care With Dementia / Alzheimer’s care With Frail Care With Midcare / Assisted LivingFrail Care Centres
Specialised Dementia Care With Dementia - Alzheimer’s careStep down/Post Operative Care
Facility registered with medical aids





Yes, Sr Sonja Rossouw